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Is 1st place really winning? - Jennifer Hudson


Miss Jennifer Hudson, a well-known name to many. She first appeared on the scene part of the third season of American Idol. Biography states, “As a finalist, she gained exposure and a fan base, then all but disappeared from the limelight after she was eliminated from the show. Controversy ensued over her departure as she was recognized by legions as an outstanding vocalist who could out-sing other contestants.” (Paragraph 2) Although she did not win the show, she won much more after starring in the film Dream Girls. Going on to win her first Golden Globe and Oscar. Jennifer began to put her name on the map. She, later on, dropped her debut album which won a Grammy for Best R&B Album. After various appearances in different movies and shows, she went on to win an Emmy and a Tony. Therefore, she joined the short list of EGOT winners. She is one of the three Black women to have this honorable achievement. Fast forwarding to 2022, she began hosting her new daytime show, The Jennifer Hudson Show.

Looking at all she has accomplished, is proof that winning first place is not everything. There have been countless American Idol winners that do not even amount to the accomplishments that she has achieved. It is an honor to continue to see her shine.


“Jennifer Hudson.”, A&E Networks Television, 12 Sept. 2022,


  1. This is very true! In fact, I was talking about this very fact to someone yesterday. You do not even hear about some American Idol winners after they win. Jennifer has truly proved that you do not have to win to get noticed. I remember watching season 3 of American Idol many moons ago. There was controversy when she was voted off. If I remember correctly, 3 black women were in the bottom three when she was voted off. Even the audience was stunned when they saw the bottom 3 that week. This story is fitting to your blog them, Black Girl Magic. Jennifer Hudson exemplifies that magic. I am so proud of her success. Do you think mass media undervalues black women? Why or Why not?

    1. Hi Ken! Thank you for your meaningful reply. Yes you are correct, it was her, Fantasia, and one other black woman. To answer your question, 100% yes. Black women have to work twice as hard to be even considered in the conversation. The media tends to overlook many talented black women. That season of American Idol was a prime example. They underestimate black women and Jennifer Hudson is continuing to prove them wrong.


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